
Towards Real-time Affect Detection based on Sample Entropy Analysis of Expressive Gesture

Automatic Behavior Analysis (ABA)Conference paperUX
Glowinski, D., Mancini, M.
Glowinski, D., Mancini, M. (2011) ”Towards Real-time Affect Detection based on Sample Entropy Analysis of Expressive Gesture” in S. D ́Mello et al. (Eds.): ACII 2011, Part I, LNCS 6974, pp. 527–537, ISBN 978-3-642-24599-2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011

User-centered evaluation of the Virtual Binocular Interface

Automatic Behavior Analysis (ABA)Conference paperUX
Glowinski, D., Mancini, M., Coletta, P., Ghisio S., Chiorri, C., Camurri, A., Volpe, G.,
Glowinski, D., Mancini, M., Coletta, P., Ghisio S., Chiorri, C., Camurri, A., Volpe, G., (2011) User-centered evaluation of the Virtual Binocular Interface, In Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Interactive Entertainment, LNICST, Springer.

Evaluation of the Mobile Orchestra Explorer paradigm

Automatic Behavior Analysis (ABA)Conference paperUX
Glowinski, D., Mancini, M., Massari, A.,
Glowinski, D., Mancini, M., Massari, A., (2011), Evaluation of the Mobile Orchestra Explorer paradigm, in Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Interactive Entertainment, LNICST, Springer
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Investigating visual discomfort with 3d displays: The stereoscopic discomfort scale

Conference paperUX
Bracco, F., Chiorri, C., Glowinski, D., Hosseini Nia, B., and Vercelli, G.
Bracco, F., Chiorri, C., Glowinski, D., Hosseini Nia, B., and Vercelli, G. (2013) Investigating visual discomfort with 3d displays: The stereoscopic discomfort scale. In CHI ’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA ’13, pages 307–312, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM